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November 19th, 2013

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commented on
's post

10 years ago

Does anyone know if it is possible to add resources to Comcast's Exchange system? We have a conference room that we want to have its own calendar for scheduling, but I can't figure out the best way to do this. I've temporarily rigged up a system where it works, but I had to create a user account and

I don't think you understood my question. In Exchange, a resource is a special type of mailbox specifically for users to schedule and reserve things like conference rooms, projectors, and the like. In a normal Exchange environment, there's a way to s

posted a question

August 14, 2015

10 years ago

Does anyone know if it is possible to add resources to Comcast's Exchange system? We have a conference room that we want to have its own calendar for scheduling, but I can't figure out the best way to do this. I've temporarily rigged up a system where it works, but I had to create a user account and

commented on
's post

10 years ago

I have the same issue as the above (and several other threads that are linked to this one). All autodiscover and other DNS records with our domain match what is in on the Comcast account page and worked fine for several years up until recently, but I cannot get new Outlook clients to connect to exis

The transition was completed over the weekend, I updated my domain hosting site with the new DNS settings, and everything is working correctly again. I guess there were portions of the transition that took place before the official transition e-mail

commented on
's post

10 years ago

I have the same issue as the above (and several other threads that are linked to this one). All autodiscover and other DNS records with our domain match what is in on the Comcast account page and worked fine for several years up until recently, but I cannot get new Outlook clients to connect to exis

Replying to my own message here.... Just got the e-mail upgrade pre-notice today, so I am going to assume that I just happened to try setting up the e-mails while our account was partially or in process of being upgraded. I'll leave things alone unti

posted a question

February 19, 2015

10 years ago

I have the same issue as the above (and several other threads that are linked to this one). All autodiscover and other DNS records with our domain match what is in on the Comcast account page and worked fine for several years up until recently, but I cannot get new Outlook clients to connect to exis

commented on 's post

11 years ago

Hello,I spent over 45 mins on the phone with your helpdesk, no one could help, or open up a ticket on this issue.  They ended up telling me to come here for help.  I need to get some Aliases on my main account, and also need to change my primary email address.  Also in the outlook web access, my dis

Without hijacking the thread, I will add that I, too, am having e-mail alias issues. Cannot delete a duplicate alias (actually there are three of the same). Keeps giving me an error when I click delete. Also would like the ability to edit the name th

commented on 's post

11 years ago

So we are having problems with one of the e-mail addresses we use. Currently this address, which happens to be the base account address, is not showing on the GAL, nor is it allowing outlook to connect to it via exchange. We have had it set up to use imap right now, but would like to use exchange. W

@VBSSP-RICH wrote:Hello czpdx, If you currently have a BusClsPortal Admin email account and you want to auto-configure and synchronize into another computer's Outlook Exchange account this is the easiest way to successfully accomplish it.  This will

commented on 's post

11 years ago

So we are having problems with one of the e-mail addresses we use. Currently this address, which happens to be the base account address, is not showing on the GAL, nor is it allowing outlook to connect to it via exchange. We have had it set up to use imap right now, but would like to use exchange. W

@VBSSP-RICH wrote:Hey Nathaniel, Glad I could help out. To add information into the GAL (or contacts) simply log into your Business Class Portal Webmail address, then click on the left Contacts tab/link. Simply click on the New Contact tab above and

commented on 's post

11 years ago

So we are having problems with one of the e-mail addresses we use. Currently this address, which happens to be the base account address, is not showing on the GAL, nor is it allowing outlook to connect to it via exchange. We have had it set up to use imap right now, but would like to use exchange. W

I had this exact issue with one of my account's addresses (search back a month or two in this forum). It shows up in the GAL on webmail, but not in Outlook. Since you can't share calendars in webmail, that is of no help. Comcast refused to provide an

joined community.

November 19, 2013