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January 16th, 2015

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posted a question

August 16, 2017

8 years ago

Has there been any effort to get Comcast's mail servers off the blacklists that they have been stuck on for so long? We are still having immediate bounceback issues thanks to other mail servers rejecting Comcast's mail server IP. How is this a business class email service if the problem persists, an

posted a question

July 28, 2016

9 years ago

We are experiencing 30 minute delays in sending and receiving email. Please advise.

commented on
's post

10 years ago

We grew tired of all of the spam and decided to sign up for a 3rd party spam filtering service. After getting it up and running and relaying our email to Comcast, we noticed that spam was still getting through. Apparently what is happening is the spammers are sending spam through the back door to th

Geez, does anyone from Comcast even look at these forums?

posted a question

September 11, 2015

10 years ago

We grew tired of all of the spam and decided to sign up for a 3rd party spam filtering service. After getting it up and running and relaying our email to Comcast, we noticed that spam was still getting through. Apparently what is happening is the spammers are sending spam through the back door to th

posted a question

June 2, 2015

10 years ago

I may be the fool here for thinking it was a good idea to move our email over to Comcast Busniess..... The spam we receive on a daily basis is staggering. Outlook catches about 100 spam messages per account per day, and about 50 or so always manage to make it into our inboxes. Blocking the domain an

commented on
's post

10 years ago

We use a VOIP phone system from Mitel called MiCloud. Since day one, August of 2014, the delay we experience on phone calls has been awful. I have set up Qos settings on my router but it has not made a difference. Mitel has asked me to check with Comcast to see if they can "mark" traffic for us in o

Hey Comcast_John can you please clarify?

commented on
's post

10 years ago

We use a VOIP phone system from Mitel called MiCloud. Since day one, August of 2014, the delay we experience on phone calls has been awful. I have set up Qos settings on my router but it has not made a difference. Mitel has asked me to check with Comcast to see if they can "mark" traffic for us in o

Hi, thanks for the reply. I already have the VOIP system behind a QoS capable router with a public IP address, but the router is behind the Comcast gateway. We're using the Comcast connection for all our internet needs as well.... Are you saying I ne

joined community.

January 16, 2015

posted a question

January 16, 2015

10 years ago

We use a VOIP phone system from Mitel called MiCloud. Since day one, August of 2014, the delay we experience on phone calls has been awful. I have set up Qos settings on my router but it has not made a difference. Mitel has asked me to check with Comcast to see if they can "mark" traffic for us in o