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October 9th, 2018

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commented on
's post

6 years ago

Hello, I am hoping for clarification on how this service is supposed to work in a real business setting? My understanding is that the customer has a business cable modem/router combo that they get their general service from. Then the Connection Pro device is connected to the primary device via cat 5

Ok, I understand now what you're referring to. I do have access to that, although I don't see anywhere to set up notifications. The page just shows the status of both connections, and the option to view usage details. Additionally I just connected to

commented on
's post

6 years ago

Hello, I am hoping for clarification on how this service is supposed to work in a real business setting? My understanding is that the customer has a business cable modem/router combo that they get their general service from. Then the Connection Pro device is connected to the primary device via cat 5

I just tested cutting the broadband again, and it switched over no problem. When I added back the broadband it did this time revert on its own, although I don't know what changed. When you say portal are you referring to the cellular gateway settings

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6 years ago

I'm glad that the information helped! To answer the new question, it should switch back over without having to disconnect and reconnect the Ethernet. Is it possible that the computer somehow got set up to default to the wireless network? Do you curre

commented on
's post

6 years ago

Hello, I am hoping for clarification on how this service is supposed to work in a real business setting? My understanding is that the customer has a business cable modem/router combo that they get their general service from. Then the Connection Pro device is connected to the primary device via cat 5

Thank you again. Your response just solved the main issue. It was set up so that the computer was connected to one of the LAN ports on the cable modem, not the cellular. I just moved the computer's cat 5 connection from the cable modem to the cellula

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6 years ago

Is the computer connected to the gateway or the CradlePoint? The way that it should work is that the devices connected to the CradlePoint are the ones that the wireless connection would go to. Basically, the really vital equipment is what should be c

commented on
's post

6 years ago

Hello, I am hoping for clarification on how this service is supposed to work in a real business setting? My understanding is that the customer has a business cable modem/router combo that they get their general service from. Then the Connection Pro device is connected to the primary device via cat 5

Thank you for your response. That is how I understood it would work, however when I tested it that was not the result. In an effort to see if it was working, I disconnected the coax from the primary modem/router. The computer I have on that network r

liked 's comment

6 years ago

Hey MrRogers83 and welcome the the forums! You asked a bunch of really good questions about Connection Pro, and you're correct in that your gateway would be where you get general service from and Connection Pro is connected via Cat5. The Connection P

posted a question

October 9, 2018

6 years ago

Hello, I am hoping for clarification on how this service is supposed to work in a real business setting? My understanding is that the customer has a business cable modem/router combo that they get their general service from. Then the Connection Pro device is connected to the primary device via cat 5

joined community.

October 9, 2018