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July 15th, 2019
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commented onsuperdollarcity
's post6 years ago
Hello. I have a problem with port forwarding after I changed comcast business modem.I have comcast modem and own router connected to modem.The comcast modem has public ip 71.59.xxx.xx and private ip 192.xxx.x.xThe router has wan ip address 192.xxx.x.x and private ip 10.x.x.xAll computer are connecte
commented onsuperdollarcity
's post6 years ago
Hello. I have a problem with port forwarding after I changed comcast business modem.I have comcast modem and own router connected to modem.The comcast modem has public ip 71.59.xxx.xx and private ip 192.xxx.x.xThe router has wan ip address 192.xxx.x.x and private ip 10.x.x.xAll computer are connecte
someone in the comcast said set modem as bridge mode but I don't want to set modem as bridge mode if I do then I have to change all my local network settings during business. no way. too risky.
commented onsuperdollarcity
's post6 years ago
Hello. I have a problem with port forwarding after I changed comcast business modem.I have comcast modem and own router connected to modem.The comcast modem has public ip 71.59.xxx.xx and private ip 192.xxx.x.xThe router has wan ip address 192.xxx.x.x and private ip 10.x.x.xAll computer are connecte
The comcast changed our own modem to new comcast modem about weeks ago and the port forwarding is not working anymore after comcast changed modem.
commented onsuperdollarcity
's post6 years ago
Hello. I have a problem with port forwarding after I changed comcast business modem.I have comcast modem and own router connected to modem.The comcast modem has public ip 71.59.xxx.xx and private ip 192.xxx.x.xThe router has wan ip address 192.xxx.x.x and private ip 10.x.x.xAll computer are connecte
It is not enabled
commented onsuperdollarcity
's post6 years ago
Hello. I have a problem with port forwarding after I changed comcast business modem.I have comcast modem and own router connected to modem.The comcast modem has public ip 71.59.xxx.xx and private ip 192.xxx.x.xThe router has wan ip address 192.xxx.x.x and private ip 10.x.x.xAll computer are connecte
The old modem, I use for my home network and working fine I am happy with old modem. My local network router is same setting as before I don't have to change any setting.The port forwarding is working when I use local ip address ( which
commented onsuperdollarcity
's post6 years ago
Hello. I have a problem with port forwarding after I changed comcast business modem.I have comcast modem and own router connected to modem.The comcast modem has public ip 71.59.xxx.xx and private ip 192.xxx.x.xThe router has wan ip address 192.xxx.x.x and private ip 10.x.x.xAll computer are connecte
The comcast know the problem but just don't know how to fix the problem.I upgrade speed 28mb to 75mb about month now. They change my own modem to comcast modem for better speed up to 75mb and they will charge modem fee every month.My own modem was wo
commented onsuperdollarcity
's post6 years ago
Hello. I have a problem with port forwarding after I changed comcast business modem.I have comcast modem and own router connected to modem.The comcast modem has public ip 71.59.xxx.xx and private ip 192.xxx.x.xThe router has wan ip address 192.xxx.x.x and private ip 10.x.x.xAll computer are connecte
Why my reply keep disappear? mmmm. Someone called me today and he said no problem comast modem. It is because of double network.He said use as bridge mode. The comcast know about this problem that is why use comcast modem as bridge mode.no problem co
commented onsuperdollarcity
's post6 years ago
Hello. I have a problem with port forwarding after I changed comcast business modem.I have comcast modem and own router connected to modem.The comcast modem has public ip 71.59.xxx.xx and private ip 192.xxx.x.xThe router has wan ip address 192.xxx.x.x and private ip 10.x.x.xAll computer are connecte
I use same way to my home network. I have own my modem and router. The modem has public ip address and local ip address also I set router as dhcp server. The domain name assign to modem and the modem port forward to router and the router forwart to m
posted a questionJuly 15, 2019
6 years ago
Hello. I have a problem with port forwarding after I changed comcast business modem.I have comcast modem and own router connected to modem.The comcast modem has public ip 71.59.xxx.xx and private ip 192.xxx.x.xThe router has wan ip address 192.xxx.x.x and private ip 10.x.x.xAll computer are connecte
joined community.July 15, 2019
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