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6 Messages
comcast hosted exchange server accounts no longer accessible with outlook 2013
We have used Outlook 2007, then 2010 and then 2013 (as part of Office 365) since available to connect to our comcast hosted exchange accounts.
All have functioned flawlessly until comcast upgraded their Exchange servers to Exchange 2010 from Exchange 2007 at the end of last week.
I can connect android devices with ActiveSync using the new server address in DNS settings, but can't connect with Outlook 2013 from either of two laptops running Win 8.1 Pro. The web Outlook access functions normally.
The autodiscover type account creation in Outlook fails, with "unable to make encrypted connection to server, hit ... to proceed with unencrypted connection" or similar error.
Manual creation of the email account done through the control panel fails, as no connection to the server can be made.
I called comcast tech support, and was told that only Outlook 2010 was supported, and that they were told not to provide any tech support for Outlook, and they recommended that I try Outlook 2010.
The 32 bit Outlook 2010 that I downloaded from comcast installed, but couldn't successfully connect, either.
Microsoft TechNet or search indicates that they only recommend that one version of Outlook be installed on a system.
What is the problem? Outlook 2013 is compatible with Exchange Server 2010, just as it was with 2007.
This has wasted a large amount of time, and I would appreciate some assistance in resolving this problem.
Have also tried deleting the existing Outlook profiles on each system. An IMAP account from the ISP I have at home (charter, which splits our city with comcast), but not the exchange account can be added back, with the same errors noted above.
Accepted Solution
New Member
1 Message
11 years ago
I am also not able to set up Outlook 2013 except using IMAP protocol. I checked my DNS setting and I removed some of the old references to the hmc1 server and replaced with the new server data. At this time, I am still stuck with the same situation.
Accepted Solution
New Member
3 Messages
11 years ago
I am also having the same problems with Outlook 2013 since I installed it in May. I thought I had a workaround by setting up on the old POP server, but only a few emsils are coming through. Technical support is non-responsive.
Accepted Solution
New Member
2 Messages
11 years ago
Accepted Solution
1 Message
11 years ago
We are experiencing the same issue. As soon as upgrade was complete we were unable to connect to exchange. Attempted to create new profile, add a new mailbox and the only option Autodiscover returned was imap when we need full exchange connectivity. Here are our server settings (minus the email address). If you are unable to fix the autodiscover issue quickly, can you please provide a set of instructions for manually entering the settings?
Accepted Solution
New problem solver
7 Messages
10 years ago
One way to use autoconfigure in Outlook that has changed is to do the following:
1) Launch Outlook
2) hold down the Ctrl key and right mouse click on the Outlook icon in the systray (Outlook icon in lower right next to the date/time)
3) Select "Test E-mail AutoConfiguration"
4) Provide the email and password for the Outlook that you are configuring
5) Uncheck everything except "Use AutoDiscover"
6) Click Test
This should fix your configuration assuming that server was setup correctly.
BTW Comcast outsouces its Exchange installation. I never could get in touch with anyone at Comcast that had any Exchange administration background. I was escalated to tier 2.5 and could never get anyone to call me back.
Accepted Solution
New problem solver
5 Messages
10 years ago
I found this post while searching on migrating from Comcast exchange server to office 365.
I have given up on Comcast exchange support. I recieved same response from tier 2 support, We do not support Outlook.
I pay for an exchange server from comcast and you provide Outlook client for me to download and connect to your server but you do not support that sceanario.
Our mail works very slowly but our calender wont update on the server when making apointment in Outlook 2010 or 2013.
I discovered that the DNS settings for the autodiscovery for our domain is not configured correctly. Left message with tier 2 support with this information and never heard back and they closed the ticket.
I long for the days wehn my calender on my phone was updated with my desktop calender. Apparently that impossible for comcast fix.
3 Messages
11 years ago
We received the upgrade e-mail yesterday afternoon. This morning none of our Exchange clients would connect. I can validate the OP's experience: neither Outlook 2007, 2010, nor 2013 clients will connect. Android clients worked after changing the mail settings to the new ones. OWA was going to yesterday and now goes to
Interestingly, we have about 5 OneNote folders on the Sharepoint site - they still sync to Also, I have an e-mail account on the Exchange server that I hit in Outlook via - this will still send and receive. Is the migration still in process? If so, it would seem that the FAQ statement is misleading at best.
I wonder if some additional information from Comcast would help. In android settings, the server name was and became In the old Outlook settings, is used for Exchange proxy settings but is the server name. (I tried using but no joy.) Anyone know how to figure out what the actual new servername might be?
3 Messages
11 years ago
Okay, I did receive a confirmation e-mail saying that the migration is now complete. It also says:
The link yields a "This webpage is not available" message. Substituting ".net" for ".com" allows a logon that seems sucessful except for the large message that says: "Error: Access Denied". Substituting the old server name "po1" for "W14B" gets me to my files. So Sharepoint is still on the old server.
It also says:
I'm not sure what instructions they are referring to. In the FAQ there are instructions for setting up Outlook that do not work.
1.5K Messages
11 years ago
Hello intfac,
Welcome to the forum.
Are you still experiencing this share-point content issue?
Additionally can you sync your Outlook client?
Thank you
New Contributor
6 Messages
11 years ago
Has anyone been able to access their exchange server accounts with Outlook 2010 or 2013 since the recent change?
I tried again with the downloaded standalone 32 bit Outlook 2010 client from Comcast yesterday, installed it on an older Windows 7 laptop that didn't previously have Office 2010 or click to run Office 365 (Office 2013) installed.
The same errors occurred; autodiscovery fails with "no encrypted connection to server available" , and continuing results in configuration of a nonencrypted IMAP connection. Tried again this morning, with same results
This is not satisfactory.
When will we be able to use Outlook to connect to the Comcast Exchange servers?
New Contributor
6 Messages
11 years ago
Further update -
I was told by Comcast tech support when this issue became apparent after migration from Exchange 2007 to 2010 that it was a Microsoft problem, and that I would have to contact Microsoft. They don't provide tech support for Outlook, even though Comcast supplies Outlook 2010 to customers that don't have Office.
Comcast tech support t gave the same answer this morning, that it was not a Comcast problem if the Outlook web application could connect, and to call Microsoft.
Something has likely not been configured on the Exchange server to allow Outlook clients to connect. Activesync works on my phone and tablet (android).
How about some input from Comcast on this problem?
1.5K Messages
11 years ago
Hello jctn,
Welcome to the forum.
The community would like to help but you clarify a few items for us?
1. What is your domain name?
2. Do you have an auto-discover record?
3. Have you tried create a new Outlook profile?
Thank you
Occasional Visitor
7 Messages
11 years ago
I am also having the same problem,
outlook 2010 worked fine last week
I cannot connect
1.5K Messages
11 years ago
Hello stephanie,
Welcome to the forum.
The community would like to assist but can you clarify a few items for us as well?
1. What is your domain name?
2. Can you access the webmail?
3. Have you tried create a new Outlook profile on different computer?
Thank you
New Contributor
6 Messages
11 years ago
domain name is = alias for
same problems occur with use of
Outlook Web client connects
DNS settings are as supplied by comcast DNS settings:
same server address for all exchange-related functions (ActiveSync, ExchangeWebServices, OutlookAnywhere):
AutoDiscover server is
Just received new Win 8.1 laptop, identical problems with Outlook 2013 (from Office 365). no prior outlook profile on this laptop, and I had tried deleting prior profiles on the other systems with same problems
here is a link to the microsoft connectivity analyzer:
Outlook connectivity and Outlook autodiscover both fail:
The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to test Autodiscover for
Testing Autodiscover failed. Additional Details Elapsed Time: 8993 ms. Test Steps Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service. The Autodiscover service was tested successfully. Additional Details Test Steps Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service. The Autodiscover service was tested successfully. Additional Details Test Steps Checking for account settings after domain redirection We were unable to get account settings after a domain redirection. Additional Details The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer doesn't support multiple domain redirections. Please check that your redirections aren't looping. Elapsed Time: 0 ms.
Testing Outlook connectivity. The Outlook connectivity test failed. Additional Details Elapsed Time: 7129 ms. Test Steps The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to test Autodiscover for xxx@yyy.netTesting Autodiscover failed. Additional Details Elapsed Time: 7129 ms. Test Steps Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service. The Autodiscover service was tested successfully. Additional Details Test Steps Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service. The Autodiscover service was tested successfully. Additional Details Test Steps Checking for account settings after domain redirection We were unable to get account settings after a domain redirection. Additional Details The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer doesn't support multiple domain redirections. Please check that your redirections aren't looping. Elapsed Time: 0 ms.
I thought that the alias might introduce extra redirection, so tried autodiscover with the address, with same results:
The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to test Autodiscover for Testing Autodiscover failed. Additional Details Elapsed Time: 6156 ms. Test Steps Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service. The Autodiscover service was tested successfully. Additional Details Test Steps Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service. The Autodiscover service was tested successfully. Additional Details Test Steps Checking for account settings after domain redirection We were unable to get account settings after a domain redirection. Additional Details The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer doesn't support multiple domain redirections. Please check that your redirections aren't looping. Elapsed Time: 0 ms.
We can't test the autodiscover or other exchange server, as we don't have logon credentials, only for our email accounts.
I think that the problem is with the way the new exchange servers have been configured. if too many redirections, suspect that even is redirected
This has consumed a significant amount of time, and we would all appreciate a solution