New Contributor
8 Messages
cradlepoint configuration
Hi, I have this configuration.
Comcast modem -> cradlepoint -> our router
The external traffic is not reaching our router. Traffic generated by our network works normally.
If I bypass the cradlepoint (i.e. Comcast modem -> our router) everything works as expected, i.e. generated external traffic reach our router.
Note that I did disable the Comcast modem WiFi since we are not using it anyway.
I did try to log in to the cradlepoint but it refuse to accept the default password (the one printed on the label below the cradlepoint) so I don't know if there some settings I can change to allow external traffic to pass thru or set up a firewall.
Any idea ?
New Contributor
8 Messages
6 years ago
Hi, thanks for the reply !
No I don't have a static IP and yes, I have DDNS set. Anyway I see my current public IP and use it for the tests.
Thta is not an issue since I can reach our router if I bypass the cradlepoint.
Clicking on the link you provided I have a 404 error.
But looking for the Pro portal set up it seems is not set up.
From the Business Comcast site, if I go in internet and then on Pro portal says the Pro is not connected to the account.
Is it something necessary to use the cradlepoint ?
Gold Problem solver
421 Messages
6 years ago
Do you happen to have a static IP? If so, and you're trying to receive data from external sources you shouldn't have an issue but since the Cradlepoint is dynamic, external data may not be able to route through properly without a DDNS provider. As far as the password, do you happen to have the Connection Pro portal set up already?
Gold Problem solver
421 Messages
6 years ago
Is the Cradlepoint currently plugged in? If so, can you please send a private message by clicking on my handle (Comcast_Gina) with your name, the business name, the complete service address (including city, state, ZIP, suite number, etc), and the phone or account number. I'd like to check a few things on the backend for you.
New Contributor
8 Messages
6 years ago
I did try to send you a message but the systems says I reached my maximum allowed number of private messages.
Useless to say I never sent any message.
I'll try later.
New Contributor
8 Messages
6 years ago
Just to sum up and a big thanks to Comcast support, here the situation.
a) Is it correct to don't be able to login to the cradlepoint appliance. It is forbidden to the user. Not big deal, important to know
b) apparently Cradlepoint do block outside incoming traffic (outside NAT). Support did try to change that but so far no use
So I'm keeping our main router connected directly to the Comcats modem.
Comcast modem ---+----> Cradlepoint
+----> Netgear
The Comcast modem has to be set in bridge mode to fully allow incoming traffic to reach our router.
I'll connet another router to the Cradlepoint to have access also in case of blackout of the main line, in this way I can have always access to internet.
Again a big thank you to the Comcast support.
New Contributor
1 Message
3 years ago
Hello. I have the same problem. Can you reply what was your solution please? I currently have comcast modem- my router as my set up. This was the only way to make the my VPN and all external traffic to work for me. The cradle router is only plugged into my router with an ethernet cable but by itself. If the comcast modem fell, the cradle kicks in.