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RCartwr123's profile



3 Messages

Thursday, June 5th, 2014 10:00 AM

Cannot Log in to FTP

I am having difficulty logging in. I supply my user name and password that I use for logging into everything else comcast related and I get this error. I called Comcast, but I was told there is nothing they can do and that I need to call Hostway and see if they can help.


Tried active/passive connection. Tried logging in through command line, Filezilla. I do find that after a couple of failed attempts, it starts to time out. I'm guessing from too many failed attemtps.


Response: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server



1.5K Messages

10 years ago

Hello RCartwr123,


Welcome to the forum.

The community would like to help but can clarify a few item for us?

1. What is your current Webhosting package? (Web Hosting Tiers)

2. Are you using your primary email account?

3. Did you activate your website using SiteBuilder?



Thank you 




3 Messages

10 years ago

Hello Jon,


I have the Business tier webhosting.

Yes I am the primary account.

Never touched site builder.


I called, and was told that during our recent move when everythng transitioned over to the new account, my permissions didn't not transition with. I currently have a ticket to get this fixed.



1.5K Messages

10 years ago

Hello RCartwr123,


Thank you for the update and glad to hear our tech support team is assisting you.

Please post if we can be of assistance.


Thank you




3 Messages

10 years ago

It was short lived assistance. The ticket was closed and in the notes the "technician" put "cannot find problem, CUSTOMER EDUCATION" as the cause. Customer Education? Isn't that just a polite way of calling your customers stupid? Really COMCAST?! Now I have opened another ticket. Please note that I have been on the phone with the TIER  2 support as they have tried my user name and password, which I can successfully log on with to check email and log into the portal, and have the same problem. So do they need "EDUCATION" as well? I swear by god I absolutely despise Comcast. But you are my only option in my area, and they know it. They know I have nowhere else to go for service so whatever they dish out, I HAVE to take.



1.5K Messages

10 years ago

Hello RCartwr123,


Sorry hear about this poor experience you have with support team.

I will forward this to our management team.


As for the FTP access issue, was our tier 2 team able to resolve it?



Thank you