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1 Message
"business" tv
I need to point out the irony of “Comcast Business” (the name of your division) offering a TV service in the “business” package that is so anemic in its channel offering that there is no “business” channel available! I have to pay more for a “business” channel with the standard “business” package from “Comcast Business”.
Very annoying…
Accepted Solution
Official Employee
869 Messages
10 years ago
Spot on explanation, thank you for the great post!
New Member
1 Message
10 years ago
I'm a business customer too, so I understand some of your frustrations. However, I do see MSNBC and CNN available on all the lineups. Furthermore, the reason businesses pay more for TV is because we are able to display the programs to all our customers and employees. For example, my dentist group has business TV, and they display it not only in the waiting room, but also in each patient room (I can watch while getting a cleaning; the LCD is on an arm positioned over my head as I stare up toward the ceiling). Others have areas setup for their employees to watch cable programming.
So, we're allowed to show the programming to more eyes than a standard resident would (a family). Now, I am a bit disappointed that we cannot view the programming online yet. This would be ideal for some of my employees. Note how the thread linked below was "resolved"; it's been suggested and we'll just have to see if we get online TV for businesses anytime soon.