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Wednesday, December 29th, 2021 1:16 AM

Business AND Residential at same address

I work out of my house and have a business internet account, therefore, my address shows as a business location. I would like to open a residential television account at the same address (my home) but keep getting conflicting information between the Business and Residential customer service departments. Can I have a residential television account at my home even with a business internet connection? A Business technician recently told me that I could not have Business television because the location is my place of residence. 





14 Messages

3 years ago

Hello @user_49384d, thanks for reaching out for help on our forums! You've reached the right team to help and we can certainly assist with this account concern. If you have a business internet service at your residential home then you can have a residential cable account but it will need to be separate accounts. We ask these questions because a residential cable account is not allowed in a commercial space which it sounds like the representatives were trying to determine. Hope that helps! 

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1 Message

2 years ago

Comcast used to have a home based business account that also has TV on it.  I know this because I got one back in 2010 and I have been trying to cancel the TV portion for the last couple of years now and they don't seem to know how to do that without completely disconnecting my business account. I keep getting the runaround and I am so fed up with Comcast.