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BSheldon's profile

New problem solver


9 Messages

Monday, December 15th, 2014 11:00 AM

Malware or Virus Removal Policy

Good day Comcast_*.* responders. I am curious as to why, when people post here for malware or virus removal questions, you do not refer them to either the Norton forums or to one of the many other forums where they can request free assistance for their problems?


I ask because Norton directs people accordingly, so I am curious as to why you cannot do the same. It would be a perfect, and I might add appropriate, time for some of the cut and paste style answers I see postedx in the Comcast forums.


An example from the Norton Forums is below:


*Hi sanddeepp9, and welcome!


I'd suggest you to sign up for help from one of these free malware removal sites where an expert will help you on a one to one basis until your system is clean: (link is external) (link is external) (link is external) (link is external)


Please read and follow their guidelines in order to get the most efficient assistance.

Let us know how you do.  "


Would this not be a more effective, customer friendly solution as opposed to simply saying that they need IT support?


I am just asking so I can better understand the current policy and practices.

New problem solver


9 Messages

10 years ago

Okay then, so I am guessing no actual policy?


How about a sticky then so when people come to this forum for that kind of help, they can see an alternative option they will apparently not be given by Comcast.


Maybe you could even just copy the stickies from the Norton Support Forums for these matters.