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3 Messages

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014 4:00 PM

sending and receiving emails to certain contacts

I have an email account here in the office that for some reason has stop sending and receiving emails to certain contacts. Also they have stopped receiving junk email. I have double and triple checked all the settings I even lowered the level for junk emails with no luck. They can send an email and sometimes the person gets it and sometimes not. Also if they receive the email and then reply the person is not receiving that email. Any help I am at a loss.



1.5K Messages

10 years ago

Hello Bekyelm,


Welcome to the forum.

The community would like to help but can you clarify few items for us?


1. Are you using an email client or webmail?

2. When did this issue started?

3. Have you try to send test emails to those contacts using a different email address?



Thank you

New Member


3 Messages

10 years ago

1. We use Comcast for are provider and use Outlook to retrieve our mail (hope this answers the question)

2.It started a few months ago. We use to be able to get the emails and now we don't but only on a few contacts not on all of them.

3. Yes it works from other emails in our office just the problem with the one email address.


It is just frustrating as I cannot figure out why it is only failing on a few contacts and not all the time. Any help appreciated.



1.5K Messages

10 years ago

Becyelm thank you for the information.


Based on your post this sounds like your email address is getting caught on their server's firewall filter.

This happens when the server admin introduces a new "rule" protect their network.


What I recommend in this case is:

1. Try sending your email via the webmail (log into your email address via MyAccount portal then click on email)

- If you can send from the webmail and they are receiving your messages.

 - Firewall filter is "catching" something when you are sending from the email client.

 - EX: signatures, hyper links


2. If they still cannot receive your messages even from webmail

- contact your recipient and request them to contact their email host to remove your email address from their "black-listing)



Thank you

New Member


3 Messages

10 years ago

But wouldn't that effect all email accounts? There is only 1 email account we are having a problem with and the main problem is when they send an email to someone and that person replies we are not receiving the reply. Also, the email address you to get junk mail and now nothing. I did try and log onto the web email account and same problem.



1.5K Messages

10 years ago

Hello Beckyelm,


It should not affect all your accounts as this appears unique to that email's filtering rule.

Becyelm, can you receive email from those recipients?

Namely no send/replies, but can they send you an email and do you receive it?



Thank you

New Member


1 Message

10 years ago

We are having the same issue. We have one vendor that we send emails to using Outlook 2010 from Comcast and they don't receive it. If we login and use webmail they do. from the same PC we used Outlook 2013 and the received the, but 2013 has other issue and we would not perfer to use it at the this time.