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2 Messages

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 7:00 PM

Error in web interface for "Manage Services > Email"

My email through this Comcast Business account has never worked properly, which is largely okay because I host my email elsewhere, but I'm wondering if I'm missing out on communications from Comcast since it lists the non-functioning * address as my primary email address.


When I log into my account and clcik on Manage Services > Email, I just see:


"We're sorry, but we are unable to retrieve your information right now. Try Again..."


Photo attached. This has een the case since I signed up in late 2013, and although I called in shortly after that, they weren't able to resolve the issue. I believe they tried to set up a new email box at that time but that also did not work.comcastemail.png

Retired Employee


1.9K Messages

10 years ago

HI smitasin.  The account services have been updated to active status.  Please let us know if your issue persist.


Thank You




2 Messages

10 years ago

Unfortunately, it still says "We’re sorry, but we are unable to retrieve your information right now. Try Again..."



Retired Employee


1.9K Messages

10 years ago

Hi smitasin.  Please see your private message for additional details concerning your account.


Thank You