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New problem solver


26 Messages

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017 3:00 PM

Netgear CG3000DCR allocates /60 but won't route to it.

Tech swapped out SMC for Netgear on request to get IPv6 static PD working.  I have dhcp6c making a PD request and the CM returns a PD reply with /60.  dhcp6c installs prefixes on the other ethernets as it should but the CM does not have a route to the /60.  I used tcpdump to capture packet trace of PD exchange and all is fine.  When I ping the CM from a source address in the /60 I see the packets go to the CM but no response from the CM.


I see others have claimed better luck with CG3000DCR and getting a /60.  Any hints on getting the CM to route to the /60 PD is suballocated?




Accepted Solution

New problem solver


26 Messages

8 years ago

The subject is accurate but incomplete.  The CG3000DCR will not respond to pings (or anything else) for any source address it has allocated via IA_NA or IA_PD request but these addresses will route through the CM.


No self respecting network engineer would ever direct routes to a router that was responding to pings.  This had both me and the comcast techs mystified.   The solution is to ignore the non-response to pings and just install routes anyway and ping to things past the CM.


IPv6 traceroute through the CG3000DCR is completely broken which can also be deceiving.


The CG3000DCR is a workable solution to native IPv6 but has bugs and quirks that can make it seem like it is not working. I'll start a separate thread and send a summary of bugs and quirks in the CG3000DCR that might trip up other users.

