New Member
6 Messages
Why can't I use my Comcast approved DOCSIS3.1 modem for a modest speed upgrade!
Why the heck is Comcast trying to force me to use their modem after I bought a DOCSIS3.1 device on their recommended list. I just wanted a speed upgrade. My rep told me that I needed their device to get 100mbits... DOCSIS3.1 goes to 2.5 gigs!! I have two accounts with Comcast both business accounts. I have done a Comcast installation for my bosses house at greater speeds on a provisioned a Motorola 3.1 and it works great. I am so fed up. Not to mention the e-waste involved and the money I already spent on equipment.
Official Employee
33 Messages
9 months ago
Hello, @user_577492. Thank you for taking the time to post to our forums. As of this moment, only a select few 3rd-party modems have been approved for use on our next gen network. All modems and gateways must go through testing and pass with flying colors before they can be authorized for our faster upload speeds. Here is the latest list of approved and recommended devices:
Edit: As of now, Comcast Business requires a CBR or CBR2 to take advantage of the increased upload speeds. At this time, we do not know if or when 3rd-party modems will be authorized.