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Sunday, March 26th, 2017 2:00 AM

[SMCD3G] Port Forwarding settings page deletes all forwards when directly accessed

I am posting this in hopes to aid some other frustrated user running into this problem, and in hopes to aid any dev looking to reproduce it. Apologies if this is the wrong form.



Normally, the user's browser stays on /user/index.asp , and all configuration pages are loaded into the embedded frame (it's a element, but I will be referring to it as iframe since it is not a word). However, if the browser loads the configuration pages directly, instead of through the iframe, problems may occur. Specifically, if a user tries to add/edit a ports from the Port Forward configuration page directly, the gateway will delete/forget all forwarded ports.


While most users wont encounter this situation, some may hit it often depending on their browsing habits. For instance, a user who tends to open links in new tabs may be inclined to run into this issue, since the new tab is not be contained within the iframe, the configuration page ends up being loaded directly. 

This can be intentionally induced in just 3 easy steps.


WARNING! Following this guide will delete all of your port forwards!

1.) Login to your gateway (eg. )

2.) Go to the port forward page directly (eg. right click "Port configuration" and click "open in new tab", or (crtl or shift)+click "Port configuration", or just middle click it). The path in the address bar of the new tab should be '/user/feat-firewall-port-forward.asp'.

3.) push "add new" button (or edit, its the attempt to load the add/edit form that kills you. delete/enable checkbox are safe)

4.) Watch as the page reloads and all forwards are lost! 


Tested on SMCD3G firmware

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