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2 Messages

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015 2:00 PM

Router password reset and strange connectivity issue.

I sent this as a private message to both John and Jacob, but in case this is faster, I am posting it here.


I had changed my default password some time ago and unfortunately must have forgotten it. I tried the default just in case there was an update, but no joy. Can someone reset this? Account number is in PM.


I am looking to try and solve an odd connectivity issue that I've narrowed down to the gateway itself.

Between when I sent this as a PM and now, I've coordinated a speedtest with the drops and freezes and found that it comes back at 1-2Mbps and then shoots back up during "stable" times. Nothing on the LAN is pulling down mega bandwidth at all.


I have two virtual servers that are accessed via two different external IP addresses and both have intermittant freezes and timeouts. I ran a couple speedtests and they seem to come back fine, so there's no traffic issues that I can see, I did a ping test internally to our firewall and that's fine, but when doing a ping test to, I get dropped packets that coincide with the remote access freezes and drops.


I believe that we can rule out a bad ethernet cable as we are using separate cables for two of the IP addresses and both are experiencing the same issue.

New Member


2 Messages

9 years ago

Disregard the password reset request... I brute forced it since I didn't feel like waiting on hold and didn't hear back from the PMs.


Looks like we're going to need to have someone come visit...

I monitored the modem's signal strength both when the speed tests were pulling what we should be getting and when they drop to 1-10Mbps or timeout altogether. When the fourth channel comes back, the power and SNR is significantly different with SNR sometimes dropping into the 20s.




The modem is a few years old now, but I've noticed that even residential modems have eight channels as opposed to four.

Gold Problem solver


610 Messages

9 years ago

Concerning the channels.... it looks like you have the SMC gateway. If so, then it can only bond up to 4 channels up or down. The newer Netgear unit supports 8x4, and the newest Cisco supports 16x4.


Regardless, yes, if you are losing channels, then there are signal issues. You could try making sure the coax connections on the modem and everywhere else you can trace the coax, are tightened fully. Beyond that, not much you can do.