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New problem solver


15 Messages

Monday, September 17th, 2018 8:00 PM

I want to turn off IPv6 on my Comcast Cisco DPC3941B - Advice?

I want to turn off IPv6 on my Comcast branded Cisco DPC3941B.  I've tried, but it doesn't seem possible.

My young teenagers are able to bypass my Fingbox (which shuts off IPv4) and surf and watch youtube videos all night long on their Kindle Fire HDs.

I'm not some paranoid control freak, but when the net goes off for them at night, I want ALL devices to go off.  I'm looking for consistency on our agreed upon house rules. It appears that Jeff Bezos and crew want to see all the DNS queries products they sell, so they are circumventing my ability to control my own network by back dooring using IPv6.


So, should I give Comcast back their Cisco modem/router/wifi box and buy my own modem/router?  I am using a Eero mesh network for wifi.

Any suggestions on what I can replace comcast's equipment with that will give me control over IPv6 as well as let me use any DNS I want? (currently using OpenDNS)


Thanks for any advice,






226 Messages

6 years ago

Please send me a private message with your first and last name, the address including the city, state and, zip and, the phone number that's registered to your Comcast Business Account. I'd like to take a look at your Comcast Business Modem and ask you a few questions to ensure I understand the full scope of the issue.



226 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks for visiting our Comcast Business Support Forum, Highrez.

Have you checked the cusadmin side of the Comcast Business Modems user interface under Connection>Local IP Network?

There, you can disable Stateful (use DHCP Server) under the IPVv6 settings.


New problem solver


15 Messages

6 years ago

Yes, I have, and I've already tried that.  It does not work. IPv6 still flows.