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jeffmvr's profile

New Member


1 Message

Thursday, April 30th, 2015 4:00 PM

DPC3939B Bridge Mode

We just had Comcast Business Class internet (switched from AT&T) and we need to have this device setup as a bridge to a pfSense firewall behind it. I cannot figure out how to accomplish this on the DPC3939B device.

Gold Problem solver


610 Messages

9 years ago

Send an IM to any of the mods ( red "Comcast_" users) with your account number & DPC's HFC MAC address (might be labeled the "WAN MAC address").



1.5K Messages

9 years ago

Hello jeffmvr,


Welcome to the forum.

As train_wreck as has mention please send me your account number, WAN MAC address and your full name to me using the PM (private message).


Thank you