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Anainternational's profile



3 Messages

Saturday, April 11th, 2015 1:00 PM

Bridge Mode Help

I am in dire need of some help as talking on the phone has gotten me nowhere. I am in need of putting this comcast modem in "TRUE" bridge mode so our new router can handle the new internal network that was just setup.


Here is the kicker that is killing me, I need it done before Monday so I can set up all the computers in time for Monday's return to work for everyone.


Can anyone help me out?



3 Messages

9 years ago

I have sent the request to Comcast_John. Thank you for your assistance!

Gold Problem solver


610 Messages

9 years ago

Send an IM to any of the red "Comcast_" users on this forum; they have the capability to bridge modems. If you can't get a hold of them, just keep trying the phones - if you get a rep who doesn't know/refuses to do it, just hang up & call back, you'll get someone different.



3 Messages

9 years ago

I feel that Comcast needs a better system to support situations like these. I have now waited OVER 48 hours and still don't have true bridge mode, something that takes 5 minutes to complete. However, each and every time I talk to someone, they state that the offline dept. doesn't accept incoming calls and I can not talk to an actual tech like Frontier and other companies allow so this could have been done the day I needed it to be.


I understand being a huge company and having different depts handle things and needing to be at an offline site to be able to accomplish such tasks, however, there has to be a way to directly talk to techs that know what they are talking about.



1.5K Messages

9 years ago

Hello Anainternational,


Welcome to the forum.

Sorry for the late reply to your request.

Please send me the following information via PM (private message) for me to assist.


1. Your Full Name

2. Your Account Number

3. RF MAC of the IP-Gateway

4. Confirmation that you do not have static IP range nor considering one in the near future.


Thank you


*Thank you train_wreck for bringing this to our attention!