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8 Messages

Wednesday, August 9th, 2017 9:00 AM

An Open Demand to Comcast

While it may not be forever, comcast is currently regulated under title II with the FCC Open Internet Order and appropriate federal law. I am certain that comcast is not meeting it's legal obligations.


1. There is no transperancy on network management practices.

2. Customers can not bring their own equipment (there is an actual law you are violating)

3. Comcast is engaging what could be described as unfair and fradulent business practices under the uniform commercial code and state law.

4.Comcast's binding arbitration agreement (which I opted out of) is buried so deeply and has no confirmation it is unenforseeable.

5. Comcast blocks consumer accounts from running their own servers and services which violates the no blocking part of the open internet order.


I live in Albuquerque, comcast is the only viable option. Comcast sales reps have lied about the capabilities (i.e I was told SNMP access would be available on the business class services) and when I called to cancel my service the loyalty department raised my speeds and dropped my bill by $100 a month.


I have verified proof that I can run static IPs without comcast equipment and it is comcast's lack of co-operation that prevent it's customers from doing so.


I am writing up an FCC complaint, and possibly a civil lawsuit because there is fraud and damage here, but if you are willing to actually talk and try and work out a way forward before I'm willing, but if it takes a lawsuit to get you to the table then there is no going back.


Here is what I (and many want)


1. Allow all users with CPE, SNMP admin access to their systems

2. enable either through routing updates or a change to routing so that CPE can have the default gateway on a static ip address

3. Keep a streamlined fair pricing system, customers should not have to cancel their service to get offered a better deal

4. On comcast provided equipment allow customers full or similar privileges that your technicians have. (On my comcast modem router. It has two private ip ranges, does nat for one of them, does not segregate by vlans or security measures, sends queries inside it does not need to. (There is no way a public ip router with two private ranges that I don't use could possibly see inside my internal network) Allow customers to turn off un needed features i.e. that router should not be doing DNS and I have no way to stop it) I currently treat the comcast mandated equipment as vulnerable and the weakest link. If any attacks are made on my system or if comcast believes that they originated from my system I will point to the weakest poorly configured, un monitorable device and expect to be compensated for any lost time work




Stephen Dubbs

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