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Pfoldi's profile

New Member


1 Message

Monday, October 5th, 2020 2:00 PM

We Need a custom PTR /Reverse DNS record setup

We Need a custom PTR /Reverse DNS record setup for one of our static IPs because sent mails from our domain are getting bounced back. 

This is per Comcast ( )  that shows:

"Your email could not be delivered because your email provider is listed on the Cloudmark Sender Intelligence (CSI). CSI is a list of IP addresses which have been detected as sending spam. Comcast uses this list to protect its subscribers from receiving spam."

Current email send server is on 50/250.11.253. 

The reversion DNS/ PTR should display

It is currently showing 

Official Employee


298 Messages

4 years ago

Hi, there! Thank you so much for your patience and for reaching out to Comcast for help with the PTR/Reverse DNS request. I am sorry to learn that the emails keep getting bounced back. You have reached the right place for help! To further assist, please send a private message with your first/last name, address, and account number or a phone number linked to the account so I can help. This can easily be accessed by logging into our business website through this link You will find your account number listed on the my account tab once you get logged in.

Official Employee


298 Messages

4 years ago

Hi! Thanks for reaching out to Comcast over Forums for help with the PTR request. You have reached the right place for help! I definitely understand the importance of having those emails routed correctly for your business! Let’s get that fixed! For security purposes, would you mind deleting your account information and clicking on my handle (Comcast_Gabe) and sending me a private message with your account number, full address, and first/last name?

New Member


2 Messages

4 years ago

Our emails are getting rejected because CLoudmark has us blacklisted since our revers DNS/PTR for our Comcast sending IP ( shows a generic Comcast address ( instead of what it should be


Please change the PTR for this to

I can be reached at 508-878-7629 any time

New Member


2 Messages

4 years ago

the Town of Arlington, MA.

Please help ASAP as this is affecting election notifications!

New Contributor


1 Message

3 years ago

Is this the right place to get a Reverse PTR record requested?



19 Messages

Hi @user_068c51, please send us a message as we can look into your request. Please Ensure you are first signed in, then you will see an icon at the top right of your page. Click that or follow this link: :
From there, click the 'New Message' icon. In the 'To' field, type ‘Comcast Business’.
Type your message in the text area that appears at the bottom of the window and hit enter to send. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond.
 We ask that you please include your first and last name, the business name on the account, the phone number for the account, and the service address.

I no longer work for Comcast.