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New Contributor


3 Messages

Monday, November 26th, 2018 9:00 AM

Static IP Reprovision

We never activated our static IP and have been using DHCP for a couple years.  I put the modem in bridge mode and tried setting up static on a new router a couple weeks ago it and it didn't work.  The router works on DHCP fine.  Can you issue a new IP address to see if a "fresh" number clears the problem? 


I called support about this and they told me they'd look into and call me back... they never called back.  😞 




New problem solver


163 Messages

6 years ago

I would like to help with your static Ip concerns. Please reach out through DM with the name, address and phone number on the account? 

New Contributor


3 Messages

6 years ago

DM sent, thanks

Gold Problem solver


421 Messages

6 years ago

I got it! Thanks and I'll meet you there. 

Gold Problem solver


421 Messages

6 years ago

My apologies MichaelN, I am not able to find that private message. Are you able to try clicking on my handle (Comcast_Gina) and sending a private message that way? 

New Contributor


3 Messages

6 years ago

Hi- I had sent it to Comcast_Michelle1, but I'll send it to you also, thanks