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Saturday, December 3rd, 2022 8:23 PM


Static IP Configuration


the company I work for relocated their offices and was assigned a new static IP and Comcast router. I've read that the static IP is configured when the router is installed but I don't recall seeing it in the router settings. I also factory reset the Comcast router because I put it in bridge and couldn't figure out how to get it out of bridge mode. Would Comcast need to reconfigure the static IP for me or is that something I can do? If so, where would I input the static IP in the router settings? The static IP that was assigned is something like and is this a public static IP or considered private? I would think public due to only having one.

The end goal is to get the static IP to route through our Cisco ASA firewall and provide internet access to the workstations. That's a whole other can of worms but for now I just need to understand where this static IP needs to be.

Thank you in advance!

Official Solution



34 Messages

2 years ago

Thank you for reaching out to Comcast business. Please find the following two links helpful:


Comcast Business Static IP overview:


Configuring local area network (LAN) IP addressing:


There is also this discussion that you might find useful:


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@Comcast_Daryl​ Thank you! What about the static IP being reset. Do I need Comcast to reconfigure that or can I do that myself?



34 Messages

To make changes to your Comcast business service, I am going to recommend that you call our Comcast business offices at 1-800-391-3000.

I no longer work for Comcast.

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21 Messages

2 years ago

Hi Green_T, I've been through a bit of this — so, two things.

  1. Static IPs don't work in "Bridge" mode, and Comcast "doesn't support bridge mode."  You have to use their (Comcast's) routing functions on the gateway.  Statics are assigned to the gateway manually by Comcast techs, and routing these IPs through the gateway only works with the gateway in "Router" mode, since potentially multiple end devices can report a static IP (if you've more that one) to the gateway.

    In bridge mode, one and only one device can be connected to the gateway, and I believe that device therefore gets your Comcast gateway DHCP IP address (not the static, even if you only have one).  Someone can correct me on this if I'm wrong.

  2. Factory resetting the gateway wipes everything, including configured Statics.  So does putting it in Bridge mode.  Comcast techs must manually restore your static(s) to the gateway (and only after it is placed in Router mode) after such an action is taken. There is no facility for customers to add statics to the gateway on their own.


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@DManciniXDS​ thanks for your response! That’s very helpful to know. So it looks like I need to wait for the Comcast tech to come in on Monday to re-configure the static IP then. 

So the static IP that Comcast provides is a public IP right? Also, is that static IP used as the default gateway for our ASA firewall? Because at our last office the default gateway was our firewall with static IPs assigned to individual workstations within a subnet. 

for example, firewall IP/default gateway(; example IP btw) and then our workstations would be with a subnet mask. Would I need to change our old default gateway of to the new static IP that Comcast gave us? Or can I leave it as is?

Thanks again for your help!



18 Messages

I will follow up with you, right here, Monday, after the tech arrives, from what you stated earlier. What time should the tech be there? (Will you also include the time zone)? -KimberlyB

I no longer work for Comcast.

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@Comcast_KimberlyL​ Thank you and the tech should arrive between 8am-10am EST but last time he showed up at 8am. So, I am expecting around that time.



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I want to say thank you @DManciniXDS for chiming in, and contributing to the thread. Your knowledge was very helpful and useful to the discussion. We appreciate this type help from the community, so thank you. 


I no longer work for Comcast.



34 Messages



We wanted to follow up with you to see how your tech visit went? Hope everything was figured out, and you got your network to work the way you wanted it to. 

I no longer work for Comcast.