Retired Employee
1.9K Messages
Static IP Configuration
A static IP address is simply a “permanent” address that remains associated with a single networking device over an extended period of time. A static IP address is manually configured to prevent the IP address from changing as dynamic addresses do. A static IP allows an email, web or VPN server from a device behind the Comcast Business modem (Gateway), to access a static routable (publicly accessible) IP address.
Comcast Business offers static IP addresses as a single address or in blocks of 5 or 13. All static IPs have an additional monthly fee, depending on the quantity ordered. The configuration containing the static IP range is remotely configured to the Comcast IP Gateway with no additional hardware required to connect to the customer’s network equipment (server, firewall, etc.). Additional configuration details can be found here .
New Contributor
2 Messages
1 year ago
"here" is a dead link.