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Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 6:59 AM

Reset modem & assigned static IPs

If I reset my modem due to unknown password,  would I loose my assigned static IPs? Would I have to reach out to Comcast to reset?

Thank You

Official Solution

Official Employee


87 Messages

9 months ago

@user_a29ea6 Yes, if you needed to do a factory reset of the modem for whatever reason, you will need to reconfigure your static IPs. From our end, the delegation would be unchanged/unimpacted, but you would likely need to reconfigure any special modem static IP configurations you may have set up. If you are just resetting the modem's login password or Wifi password, then you would likely not need to reconfigure your static IPs, but we recommend contacting your IT professional before making those types of changes. Please let us know if you have any other questions. 
