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Meraki MX84 Firewall and Comcast Static IP and NATS
We signed up for Comast Business internet and we want to place a Meraki MX84 Firewall Behind the Comcast Router. We where given a block of 5 IP addresses. I have assigned one IP to our Firewall Wan interface and pointed to the Gateway.. But the first NAt is setup to the second IP Address in the block and I cannot access the Ip address externaly.
Does the Comcast router need to have the Gateway IP address as its IP address? Mine isn't. My Meraki Firewall can access the internet and the Meraki Cloud.
What needs to be done to my Comcast Router for me to utlilize the NATs on my Firewall so I can have external access to our Exchange Server, VPN, and Security Cameras?
I am a bit lost on comcast setup - I have worked with other vendors and I was never confused like I am now... lol
Problem solver
226 Messages
6 years ago
I can take a look at your Comcast Business Modem configuration and Static IP's. Please send me a private message with your first and last name, the phone number registered to your Comcast Business Account and, the address including the city, state and, zip to get started.