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Thursday, June 11th, 2015 10:00 AM

Domain Hosting: Legacy

Some Comcast customers may have notice that they do not have access to update their DNS entry from the My Account portal. The reason could be either the My Account portal has not been properly activated or the customer domain is on our Legacy Platform Server.


Legacy domains are carry over from services acquired by Comcast. Due to this is special existence all DNS entry changes must be enter by a Comcast technical support agent

To check if your domain is on our legacy platform go to a trusted 3rd party site to check your DNS records. 

If the DNS query returns the NS (name server) as the following then your domain is on our Legacy server.


For most legacy platform customers the current setup to works for them.

However, if a customer is incline to be on the current platform they have to do following steps:

  1. Contact Technical Support (1-800-391-3000)
  2. Ask the Agent open an “inquent” ticket to migrate their domain from legacy to current
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