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5 Messages

Tuesday, August 19th, 2014 8:00 AM

Why is this so difficult?

I am frustrated beyond belief.I have spent far more time on this than I want - we are at 6 hours and counting. I am posting here for two reasons -

  1. maybe someone from Comcast will see it and offer a solution and
  2. to share with others considering Comcast what it is like (in my experience) to be their customer.


My business is moving on Monday and apparently Comcast is not going to alow me to schedule my phone/internet to move anytime soon. I say "apparently" because I don't know - I can't find anyone "authorized" to talk to me.


I called last Friday and talked to a sales rep to see about moving my business phone and internet. No problem. When asked about what features I wanted, I was clear: I do not want to make changes right now. Since we are moving to a new spaces our business needs are changing and I wouldn't know until after we get settled what we will or won't want. For now, I just want to keep everything the same just in the new location. Seems simple enough, right?  So I thought. I was sent the new contract and that is where things got weird. In the new contract there was a (newly) upgraded phone, and extra VM charge, television AND a three year contract. I don't see this as keeping things the same at all. I expected the contract to reflect our conversation, and those clearly were not covered.


I sent off an email to the rep to ask about all of these. When he called 20 minutes later, he had yet to read it. When I asked him on the phone about these, he did have a reasonable explanation - or what would have been reasonable if we had talked about  it first.  I wanted time to think and consult with my partner before signing up for a  contract that would extend our current one by 2 years.


By Monday I no longer wanted to work with this specific rep due to his less than honest dealings on Friday. I attempted to contact his supervisor, left several messages and got zero calls back. The process to make each of these attempts is ridiculous. FInally, I just decided to talk to whatever rep answered the phone to see about moving along. Nope, that is not allowed. Because the first guy has an open order, no one else in the entire company is allowed to assist me. No one, that is except his supervisor...the one who I can't reach and does not call me back.


At this point I don't know what to try - anyone have any ideas?


Accepted Solution



1.5K Messages

10 years ago



I've received your private message in regard to this issue and thank you for the update.

Firstly, great to hear that our support agent was able to address this issue for you properly.

Secondly, we apologize once again for all the tribulations that occurred with this transfer of service.


We appreciate your patience with us and thank you for your continuing patronage.


Thank you






5 Messages

10 years ago

UPDATE: Persistancy/stubborness...whichever you choose to call it...looks like it pays off. I called again (3rd day in a row) and found someone who is going to try and fix it. He also validated my concerns about the discrepancy between what I asked for and what I was asked to sign. The problem is not resolved, but I am more hopeful.



5 Messages

10 years ago

UPDATE #2: When Mr Helpful did not call me back in an hour as he said he would, I tried calling him. Seems the direct line he gave me is not *his* direct line. 4 people later, I got a nice lady who sent emails to several supervisors to try and get this resolves ASAP.  Hopefullness has been dashed yet again.


All I am trying to do is move the service I currently have 3 blocks away. It should not take 8+ hours on the phone to still be several steps away from a contract which will eventually lead to an install date. That means 8 hours that I am not able to make money or help customers.



1.5K Messages

10 years ago

Hello SmallBizPdx,


Welcome to the forum.

Please accept our apology for the issues you had with our customer support.

This should have been addressed appropriately to your request and time line.


Once again we apologize for this poor experience you had and if we can be of assist please post.



Thank you



5 Messages

10 years ago

Thanks Jon.  At this point I am in the fourth day and over 10 hours into this project. It is nice to have validation that I am not crazy or asking for something too exotic.


I have not been able to reach the supervisor by phone, but have sent him several emails. I am still waiting on an appropriate contract to be sent - as I requested on Friday (and every day since). If you have a magic wand of some kind you can wave at all this - I would be happy to share all the assorted details with you via PM.


As time passes I am getting more frustrated - the movers come on Monday and I am wondering how long it will take before I have phone/internet at the new location....more worrisome for me since most of my business is done via the internet. Right now nothing is even scheduled, since the hold up is the lack of a signed contract.



5 Messages

10 years ago

Today's Update:


I was in the field yesterday afternoon when I got a voice mail (and email) from the Supervisor. He stated he had left several messages for me (First I have heard of it) and that if I did not sign the contract there was nothing he could do.  I replied via email explaining why I was not available, and that I would be happy to sign the contract as I had originally requested on Friday.


Once I returned to the office this morning I followed up again with an email and voice mail with the same message. I got a reply asking which of three options I wanted. It took me no time at all to request the option that matched what I had been asking for since Friday.  Since then nothing - no contract, no reply - so even though it seemed like there was progress, I am no closer to getting my service moved than I was four days ago.