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tas783's profile



3 Messages

Monday, April 14th, 2014 6:00 PM

Need some help with my business class account.

Hello All,


I've been running into some real issues with my business class internet account.  I signed up for comcast business class on 9/25/11 at my home and used it to run my home based business, unfortunately I shut my business down about a month ago.  I decided to keep the internet until the end of my contract (which would run out as of 9/25/14) as it was sufficient for what I needed to do.  I was given short notice by my landlord ( 30 days) that I would need to move out as I was living off lease, which honestly wasn't a huge deal as I had just purchased the property adjcent (10 ft. away) a few months earlier.  I then set about trying to get my internet transferred over to my new property (again 10 ft. away, sharing the same connection box.) I was told by the sales rep that it was no big deal and the transfer could be done quickly.  1 week later I was finally contacted by scheduling to set up a date and was then informed that my contract was to be extended for another 3 years and I'd have to pay $50.00 for someone to come out and "install" my modem, which was completely unnessicary.  I immediately called my sales rep and was told that those were the terms that I would have to agree to in order to have my internet moved.  I told him to cancel the whole thing.  I then went about the process of canceling my service with Comcast, as I am not going to get roped into another 3 year contract just to move my internet a few feet.  When I called to cancel I informed the rep that my business was no longer operating and that I was willing to fulfill my contract but I would not be sigining on for another 3 year term.  She informed me that I would have to either A) Sign on for a 3 year term with a $50.00 install B) Sign on for a 1 year term with a $199.00 install or C) Pay an ETF of $278.00 plus 2 months of service as they require 60 days notice.  I flat out refused.  I don't think I'm being unreasonable I'm willing to serve out my 5 month sentence with comcast if they would move the service but I refuse to sign on for any extended time just so that I can honor my end of the contract.  Does anyone have any advice or contacts that can be reached out to in order to get this resolved.  Any help would be greatly appriciated.



Accepted Solution



3 Messages

10 years ago

Has there been any news on this? At this point I just want to be done with Comcast Business.  It should not take this long to resolve something seeminly as simple as this.



1.9K Messages

10 years ago

Welcome tas783.  Sorry to hear that your transfer of service order has encountered these roadblocks.  Our Corporate Escalation Team is actively engaged with the Retention Department and are working to resolve this issue.


Thank  You 



3 Messages

10 years ago

Ok, almost a week later, has there been any word on this?  Thanks.