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1 Message

Tuesday, February 7th, 2023 3:53 PM

large comcast box on commercial property--easement/fence issue

Good morning. [Edited: "Personal Information"] has a large comcast box in the parking lot. This was installed a couple of years ago. There was an old comcast pole there & it still remains. [Edited: "Personal Information"].

The church believes this box was installed without receiving prior authorization, as we have nothing on file referencing the installation.

A new fence is being installed on the property & it will limit access to this comcast box as a result.

I am looking for guidance on which Comcast department to speak with so we can create a resolution to this situation.

Thanks for the assistance.

Andrew [Edited: "Personal Information"]

[Edited: "Personal Information"]



11 Messages

1 year ago

Hey there! Thank you for taking the time to reach out and make us aware of this issue with the box located outside this commercial property. I would be happy to look further into this and get the proper team involved. Could you please send me a direct message using the steps below? 



To send a direct message:

  • Ensure you are first signed in, then you will see a chat box icon at the top right of your page. Click that or follow this link here:
  • From there, click the 'New Message' icon. In the 'To' field, type ‘Comcast Business’.
  • Type your message in the text area that appears at the bottom of the window and hit enter to send. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond.

To expedite your request, we ask that you please include your name, the business name on the account, the phone number for the account, and the service address alongside your inquiry so we can best assist.