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DarrenW's profile

New problem solver


6 Messages

Sunday, January 18th, 2015 1:00 PM

Equipment fee increase?

First off, this seems  like a rather odd way for us to communicate over billing issues using this medium (forums). But whatever, chat doens't work and tried calling after spending 20 mins looking for a business class phone # to call.. Finally thought I was getting someone and after playing the phone tree game.. it annouces that "Oh I'm sorry the call center is closed today"   Seriously?


Anyhow to the point, we need to know why our equipment fee continues to increase?  Looking at our bill from a year ago , we are seeing equipment free of $9.95 and now it's $12.95 and we haven't upgraded anything.  I'ts the same POS modem/router/gw that was provided by you and we were forced to use and pay since we opened this account.   On top of that, I'm sure we have paid for that thing many times over in the 3+ years of service we have had you, so WHY is there an increase?  Are we able to use our own equipment yet?   





Accepted Solution

New Member


1 Message

10 years ago

  • I contacted Comcast regarding this issue and had the following completely useless conversation with "Vitesh." I had to wait 10 minutes just to get someone to chat with, and the person I got couldn't answer my question... or spell. Instead he insisted on trying to shift the blame to the FCC. What does the FCC have to do with equipment rental? Complete nonsense.

Comcast customer service is really disappointing. Also I'm getting DL speeds at only about 50% of the advertised rate (16/3). I'm really looking forward to seeing what Century Link and perhaps Google Fiber will be able to offer me as an alternative. I can't wait to find an ISP who cares about its customers.

  • CHAT ID: D4AD3B68-BFD9-4CC8-AF6D-B05851FE250F
  • Problem: Unexplained fee increase
  • Vitesh > Hello DANIEL_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Vitesh. Please give me one moment to review your information.
  • Vitesh > Nice to have you on chat. Hope you are doing well today.
  • DANIEL_ > My Issue: Unexplained fee increase
  • DANIEL_ > Hi Vitesh
  • DANIEL_ > The "equipment fee" on my bill has increased from 9.95 to 12.95
  • Vitesh > Hello
  • DANIEL_ > however i'm still using the same equipment. Can you explain the fee increase?
  • Vitesh > as I understand you want to know the reason for the increasing the equipment charges . Am I correct ?
  • DANIEL_ > Yes
  • Vitesh > I will be more than happy to help you on checking on your issue. You certainly came to the right person to help you. I will exhaust all options to assist you today and I assure you that we would be able to come up with a resolution together on this chat by providing you with the information you need.
  • Vitesh > I myself too would want to be on top of my account, as well as the billsespecially handling the payments. Please be assured I will do my best tohelp resolve your issue today.
  • DANIEL_ > I'm waiting.
  • Vitesh > I would like to inform you that the equipment charges has been increased from the 01/01/2015 after the approval of FCC ( Fedrael communication commission )
  • DANIEL_ > What's the basis for the increase? Since I didn't change equipment, I insist on continuing to pay 9.95.
  • Vitesh > modem rental increased from $ 8.00 to $ 10.00 and cable Box DTA increase from $ 1.99 to $ 2.99
  • Vitesh > There is also increased in the Boraodcast TV fee .
  • DANIEL_ > I don't have broadcast tv
  • DANIEL_ > you're not answering my question
  • Vitesh > may i please know the account number you want the detail for the charges
  • DANIEL_ > you don't have my account number?
  • Vitesh > there are two accounts on your name one is resential account and once is the business account .
  • DANIEL_ > It's the business account. the residential account is home security.
  • Vitesh > Thank You!
  • Vitesh > I would like to inform you before the equipment charges was $ 9.95 and now the charges is $ 12.95 and its revised from 01/01/2015
  • DANIEL_ > I already knew that. I'm asking why
  • DANIEL_ > My equipment has not changed.
  • DANIEL_ > Increasing fees with no justification is not acceptable
  • DANIEL_ > It really seems like you're not going to answer my question.
  • Vitesh > Correct you are using the same equipment however the charges is revised after the FCC approval and the Federal Communicatons Commison modifes the rates for the service provider .
  • DANIEL_ > That's a bunch of bullsh*t. The FCC has nothing to do with the equipment rental.
  • DANIEL_ > I'm extremely disappointed in the quality of Comcast Services
  • DANIEL_ > I'm going to consider switching to Century Link
  • Vitesh > please give me moment to provide the link to check all the detail related the equipment rental .
  • Vitesh > You can may contact the FCC with questions regarding its regulatory oversight of Comcast and complaints or questions about the FCC Regulatory Fee.
  • Vitesh > You can also call at 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322)
  • Vitesh > Email address for the fcc is :
  • DANIEL_ > This isn't about the FCC
  • DANIEL_ > this is about Comcast
  • DANIEL_ > Since you aren't able to help me or give me a decent explanation
  • DANIEL_ > I'm going to sign off now

New problem solver


6 Messages

10 years ago

Good lord, that must have been painful chatting with him. ...But thanks for taking one for the team Daniel and doing that for the rest of us..haha. . .  So we need to email the FCC to find out why Comcast increased the equipment, what a crock of s**t! 

New problem solver


21 Messages

9 years ago

Increasing fees and some message threads encouraged me to replace my leased modem with my own modem.  I ordered it, sat on hold for 20 almost all the way through setup with the tech...and nothing.


After a few minutes he realizes I have a static IP. You can't use your own gear with statics. So basically, you are boned. If they wanted to raise the equipment fees crazy amounts I'd have no real alternative. I'm completely over a barrel with this restriction.


at least until the company that is deploying fiber in my area gets to me. I'm so done with this as soon as I am able to get fiber. 1/3rd the cost, 10x the performance.


New Member


1 Message

9 years ago

Please dear god don't go with Century Link, if you think Comcast is bad, try going 3 months with phone service that could only be used by having it forwarded to my cell phone, this was Centurylink's answer when my business phone line went down because of problems with the line out on the road in front of my business, this happened 3 times over the course of a year, the last time was the end for me, hopefully Comcast will be better.....Hopefully!