Occasional Visitor
6 Messages
Network outage on my staitic IP .. Cisco modem
Since Friday 10/10, my server box on static IP is virtaully dead. I had comcast tech look into it but they think the settings are fine. We have done losts of troubleshooting at our end but like you comcast guys, our end seems clear. However, we cannot logon to the modem since Friday. I posted a message a to one of the online tech supports (John) but I did not get an answer.
In addition to whatever troubleshooting is done online, please reset my modem to the default and alert me to go in and change. I need this modem reviewed.
All the clients can go out or have Internet access. Only the server. I disabled the firewall but it doesn't seem the firewall is the issue here.
1.4K Messages
10 years ago
Hello Norwoh and welcome,
Please let us know what model Comcast Gateway (CG) you are using?
Please let us know if you are using a Firewall device ?
Please answer the following questions:
0. Power on reset your CG and after it is online continue
1. Do you see a solid green light on the CG LanPort 1-4 that your Server is connected to? If not check your Enet cable interconnect. If yes continue....
2. Are you able to ping the CG staticIP Gateway address from the Internet? If no, check your Server network configuration settings, then reboot the Server. If yes then continue...
3. Are you able to ping the Server routable staticIP address from the internet? If no, contact 8003913000 option 1 and have a technical agent reload your StaticIP into your CG., If yes, unplug power to your CG for 30 seconds, then wait 1-2 mintues and start at step 1 again. If you get here a second time, there is a potential issue with your modem staticIP routing.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Occasional Visitor
6 Messages
10 years ago
The problem ha been narrow down to Comcast DNS not responding to queries. Currently trying Public DNS which is on and off but it at least answers queries when it is on. The primary and for scondary do not espond to any queries. Logins take forever to get through. That is so for everything else.