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Sunday, March 2nd, 2025 8:31 PM

Is it true Comcast doesn’t provide time windows for “outside” technician support?

Long story short (hopefully). A tree branch fell and knocked out the wiring connecting our building to the utility pole. It’s been over 24 hours, and I’m STILL going back and forth with customer service to get a technician here. Initially they scheduled an “inside technician” to come out, which I explained would not be helpful. The problem is outside. Then they told me an outside tech would be by this morning (10-12). No one showed up. I called to complain, now they’re telling me they can’t schedule timing windows for outside technicians. It’s 3:30pm and still no word from anyone, and my business is at a standstill for more than a day now. Any advice? Every time I call customer service I feel like I get nowhere.

Official Employee


32 Messages

13 days ago

Hi Jackc,

Thank you for reaching out. I hope, besides the cable issues, that you've been great so far. I see you had a branch take down your line, and you've been waiting on some updates since. I know how it can feel to wait for answers, so I appreciate all your patience so far. 

The protocol for instances like this can vary depending on the status of your network. If you are completely offline as a result of the damaged cable, we will always send a technician first to address the network issue. The outside work, depending on the damage, can take up to 14 days from when the order is created. As a result, we work to get an "inside" tech out to connect you while the external work is completed. 

Alternatively If your network is still online and there is no safety concern, we will then only create the ticket for the external work. The estimated timeframe, as listed above, is typically 14 days. This can change, however, depending on the work needed. 

If you are completely offline, I would personally go with the initial tech visit. This way you can get online and operations back up. In the meantime, the ticket to address the outside issues will remain open until the local team is able to get it cleared up. If this works for you, I'll be glad to help. You can send me a direct message with your full name, service address, and account number to get started. 

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  • Ensure you are first signed in, then you will see a chat box icon at the top right of your page. Click that or follow this link here:
  • From there, click the 'New Message' icon. In the 'To' field, type ‘Comcast Business’.
  • Type your message in the text area that appears at the bottom of the window and hit enter to send. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond.