New Contributor
2 Messages
Business Connection Pro
I recently upgraded my connection and added the Business Connection Pro service to it. The installer setup the bridge and the cradlepoint device and said I was good to go. The cradlepoint is only connected to the bridge/modem at this point. If the connection goes down does it just take over or do I need to plug in any devices I want to have a backup connection to the cradlepoint directly?
Gold Problem solver
421 Messages
5 years ago
That depends on how you have the device setup, but it sounds like yours is meant to act as a backup for the gateway device which would provide WiFi (as long as you have it configured to do so). If you want to give more information about the setup you have, you can always click on my handle (Comcast_Gina) and send a private message with your name, the business name, the complete service address (including city, state, ZIP, suite number, etc), and the phone or account number, and all the details so we can help further 🙂