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eyeswater's profile

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2 Messages

Friday, March 22nd, 2013 11:00 AM

Business Class Internet has gone slow. While Residential speed has gone up and cheaper compared.

Yes, our Comcast Internet has gone slow as dial up. A call to Business Class says to pay more for an upgrade to a faster speed which is nowhere near what is newly offered on residential internet at 50/10. They want me to pay over $800.00 to terminate Business contract to go Residential. Wow...logic is in short supply.

Apparently, I am not the only one griping. It seems Comcast management is trying to figure out how to "save" the broken Business Class Rate model. I hope sooner before I migrate.

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Problem solver


326 Messages

11 years ago

If your speed is slower than what you contracted for then there's a network problem - trying to conflate the two items - network problem and business vs residential - is ignorant and will get you nowhere.


Contracts were made for people like you who knee-jerk everything.


For starters, it's a contract violation to run a business on residential service - when your installer shows up to turn on your residential service and finds a business - well you better have a -very- hefty bribe to shut him up.  So if you ordered business service because you are in fact a business then it's only in your own mind that you have a choice to switch to residential.  In reality you don't.


Secondly, Comcast isn't doing static IP's on residential service.


Thirdly they block some critical ports - smtp for example - on residential service.


Forth, business service outages have 4 hour window for repair - residential is whenever the heck they feel like doing it.


I repet - if your getting LOWER than your contracted speed on your business service - then call Repair.  They have 4 hours to fix it.


And quit comparing residential speeds to business.  residential speeds are mythical marketing baloney and if you think that any residential user on the Comcast network gets 50 down on anytime other than 2am when the moon is full and they have burnt a pentagram with squirrl bones on their front yard - I have some Florida beachfront property for sale cheap.


Residential speeds are best effort, business speeds are SLA.  Big difference there.

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New Member


2 Messages

11 years ago

kindly offer solutions...not innuendo of contentious remarks.