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17 Messages
Brief Connectivity Issues and Bad Cable Modem Recovery
Lately there's been a recurring issue where some kind of headend reset is occuring, the phone box reboots and the cablemodem resets but about 80% of the time, the cable modem does *not* recover and I have to power-cycle it.
Scenario A:
Cable Modem simply cannot route, the administration screens show everything in order.
Scenario B:
Cable Modem goes through a cycle of routing and not routing, usualy 1 minute of routing, 3 minutes of not and repeats. Administration screens show everything in order.
The only solution for either of these is to power cycle the cable modem.
Cable Modem:
SMC SMCD3G-CCR (752-9244NA)
Hardware Version: 1.0
Firmware Version:
Operating Mode: RG
1. The cable modem should be able to recover on it's own.
2. These resets are getting more frequent. 9/14/2012, 10/17/2012, 10/21/2012, 2/15/2013, 3/2/2013, 3/29/2013, 4/14/2013, 4/22/2013, 5/5/2013, 5/6/2013.
New Contributor
17 Messages
12 years ago
And another one 5/6/2013.
Retired Employee
1.9K Messages
12 years ago
Welcome Lee. We have referred this issue to the Regional service center. A service tech will contact you to schedule a service call.
Thank You
New Contributor
17 Messages
12 years ago
I don't think I'm at that point, mostly just was posting about the resets to see if others were seeing it etc. It isn't frequent enough (yet?) that I would call support, in fact, if it was I wouldn't be posting here.
Someone from Comcast just showed up saying I had an appointment scheduled. I made no such appointment and did not request one.
I just wanted to discuss this issue. Making appointments for me without my knowledge or consent is not appropriate.