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1 Message

Thursday, February 9th, 2017 4:00 PM

Authenticate outgoing server email?



For a different server and location I support I use a comcast username and password inthe form of


username-   xxxxxxxx (oneword, not an email)



I now have a new server at a new location and am trying to get server health reports to be sent outgoing to  I am using TLS port 587 and the username for the account in the form-





This fails to authenticate, however, when I use the other clients comcast username and pw at this location, it sends.


When I asked Comcast support about getting a username for outgoing authentication they said to use the email login for the account.  Which doesn't work.


What is missing here?  There is no on-premise email server and there are several devices I want to send outgoing email from.


Thanks for any help,

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