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Saturday, July 17th, 2021 1:14 PM

Transfer from business class internet to residential internet.

I'm currently still in a business class internet only contract and would like to move to a residential internet only contract. I had a home based business but that has gone under like a lot of other people during this pandemic. I can't afford to pay $100's for early termination fees. Not to mention I've had constant connectiom and authentication issues with my internet and I'm not satisfied with the business class internet. It has also seemed that my internet speed has just plummeted downward the last few months and I'm still paying the same thing. I'm having to reset(power cycle) the router/modem atleast once a week. Residential I used to only have to do it maybe once a month.  I'm just frustrated like many other people. Hopefully this year gets better.. I still would like to keep comcast for internet but need to see what my options are. Thanks in advanced. 

Official Employee


92 Messages

4 years ago

Hello and thank you for taking the time to reach out to us here on our Comcast Business Forums. I know this has been a rough year and I'm truly sorry to hear that you've experienced difficulties. I would be more than happy to assist you with review what options are available.

Please send us a private message with your name and service address to Comcast Business by clicking the chat icon at the top right of the page.