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Thursday, October 10th, 2019 11:00 AM

New business voiceedge portal is complete garbage

The new business voiceedge portal is complete garbage. Much harder to navigate and the loading time is much longer than before. Who else isn't happy with the change? 

Official Employee


306 Messages

5 years ago


Hi! Thank you for reaching out and explaining your recent experience with our business voice edge portal. This is not the type of experience we want for you to have. Your satisfaction is our priority. I will make sure to pass along your feedback for further review, which will also help us make the corrections necessary to prevent these kind of unfavorable experiences in the future. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. We are here to help 24/7! -Gabriel

New Member


1 Message

5 years ago

I can't even get into it. I am stuck in some kind of log in loop. I am not happy.



261 Messages

5 years ago

Hi there, I am so sorry to see that we have made you feel this way about the portal as this is not what we strive for. What device are you using? -Anisa 

New Contributor


5 Messages

5 years ago

It is really difficult to find the correct log in page. I was being logged out because of "too many redirects". Once I was able to log in I bookmarked that page. Now I dont get pushed out and have to clear my cookies everytime I log in. 

Gold Problem solver


421 Messages

5 years ago

I'm really sorry to hear that the app has been finicky to deal with but we always really appreciate you reaching out to let us know of issues; your input is vital to our app developers so we can get trouble like this taken care of. If you go to the App Store, there's an email address listed where you can send feedback directly: I saw that you had also posted about issues with the iOS on your colleagues' devices and have responded to that forum thread too. 

New Member


1 Message

5 years ago

I cannot find the Voicemail section on the menu bar!  It just isn't there. But everytime how I ask to change our main voice mail message, I get a complete set of step by step instructions, complete with video that look NOTHING like the pages I keep being sent to.  It is maddening!

Can anyone help me figure out how to change our main phone line's voicemail message, when there is no voicemail section on our dashboard, or anywhere else for that matter?

Thank you

Problem solver


348 Messages

5 years ago

Hi there, thanks so much for taking the time to reach out to the Digital Care Team here through the forums. We are sorry to see that you are having issues with the portal and you have reached the right team to help get this taken care of for you. Can you please send us a private message with your name, the full address, and phone/account number? 

New Member


1 Message

5 years ago

i have just been setup with the new portal and i am the admin.  i can not find out how to control and make changes to my employees.  with everthing going on right i have several employees working at home.  it appears the old portal will stop working on 03/31/20.  can we get some training and guidance on the new portal?  how can i get my employees acces if they no longer have the email that was sent to them with credentials to login?


New Contributor


3 Messages

5 years ago

Totally agree.  It is SO slow, throws errors ALL the time and is terrible if you have multiple locations.  If I try moving from location to location the page has to refresh twice before the new location comes up for me to manager.  10 clicks to do one thing and did I mention it's slow as hell?

Official Employee


526 Messages

5 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us through our business forums. I am so very sorry for the delay in our response. I know how important access to the site and the phone services and features are to your business and I would love to assist you. This link will provide you with some walkthrough's on using your business services through our website. If you still need further assistance I am happy to assist you at any time, please just reach out through private message with your first and last name, full service address and account number or phone number? 

Official Employee


526 Messages

5 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to reach out to our business forums. I am sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with our web portal. I know how important this service is to your business and I would love to further assist. I am so sorry for the time it took us to get back to you. Can you please reach out through private message with your first and last name, full service address and account number or phone number? 

New Contributor


1 Message

4 years ago

I hate it as well! 

In fact they sold our COO DID number to another customer and it took over 2 weeks to get it back! Furthermore, it is insane the hoops you have to jump through just to get the desktop app to work for that with a real cloud based system like Ring Central / Zoom / Teams

There is no comparison.

We are pulling the chute as soon as we finish our new vendor evaluations.

Problem solver


144 Messages

4 years ago

Hi there! Thanks so much for the feedback, and telling us about your situation as we take your concerns seriously. I'd like to take a shot at helping you with this. Can you respond via DM so we can continue? You can do this by clicking on the link provided in my response. All I need is your full name, and address including city, state, and zip code exactly how it reflects on the bill and we can work on this for you right away. 

New Member


1 Message

4 years ago

I'm new user and during first month of installation, I open 3 ticket and my phone system still not work, I hope Comcast have some real technical support not only reception on the line to open ticket. I'm agree with you and believe comcast portal is complete garbage. No online chatroom, No contact us form, No auto attendant template, No text to speech services and etc... That was my biggest mistake to join Comcast Business, I should setup my phone system with Google Fi

Official Employee


306 Messages

4 years ago

Hi, @ Ben_Gh! Thanks for your patience and for reaching out to Comcast over our forums page! We are doing our best to respond as quickly as possible during these challenging times and appreciate you greatly for your patience. It is known that there may be delayed responses. However, the great thing about reaching out to us is when one specialist becomes unavailable another one can pick up right from where we left off at any time of the day! This is to ensure that we provide you the best experience!


I am sorry to hear about how the phone system will not work and that we have made you feel this way. We definitely understand the importance of having your phone system working correctly for your business and apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused! Let’s get that fixed. To get started, please send us a private message with your first/last name, full address, and account number or a phone number linked to the account by clicking on my handle “Comcast_Gabe.” We look forward to speaking with you soon!