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2 Messages
Friday, May 29th, 2020 3:00 AM
Comcast Business App - Conferencing
Is there a way to generate new conference PIN or Moderator PIN on your MyPhone Conferencing app? If not, can you assign passwords to a conference PIN?
4 years ago
Official Employee
526 Messages
4 years ago
Thanks so much for taking the time to reach out to us regarding our conferencing app. I very much appreciate your patience and greatly apologize for the delay in our response. I know how important the services are to your business and we want to do all that we can to assist. I would love to assist and look further into the conferencing concerns.I would need to review the account and your services to ensure that I am getting you the most accurate information. Can you please reach out through private message with your first and last name, business service address and account number or phone number?
42 Messages
4 years ago
Allowing the moderator the ability to control who can enter the meeting might be another option. Currently, if someone has the conference PIN and calls in early (or later), that person is able to intrude on another conference in progress.
This is a critical flaw that will limit how we use this going forward.
Official Employee
297 Messages
4 years ago
Hi, there! Thanks for reaching out and for your patience! You have reached the right place for help with the Moderator pin concern! I will be happy to help with seeing if we can provide a new pin and the ability to control who can enter the meeting. I can understand how if someone has the conference PIN and calls in early can intrude on another conference in progress. To research this further, please send me a private message by clicking on my handle (Comcast_Gabe) and send me a private message with your first/last name, address, and account number or phone number linked to the account for security purposes. This can easily be accessed by logging into our business website through this link You will find your account number listed on the my account tab once you get logged in.
New Contributor
2 Messages
4 years ago