Thanks for reaching out to us on our Comcast Business support forums page, Tea. I'll be more than happy to assist you with your Business Voicemail. How did you check for the message? Online, through the app or, by phone?
It sounds like you're enrolled in our voicemail notification service. We may have to reset some things on the back end here. Do you mind sending me a private message with your full name, address and, the phone number you're voicemail is on?
Problem solver
226 Messages
6 years ago
Thanks for reaching out to us on our Comcast Business support forums page, Tea. I'll be more than happy to assist you with your Business Voicemail. How did you check for the message? Online, through the app or, by phone?
New Contributor
6 Messages
6 years ago
I checked for it by email. However, when someone else left a message, I did see it in my email. When I left the messages, I didn't see it.
Problem solver
226 Messages
6 years ago
It sounds like you're enrolled in our voicemail notification service. We may have to reset some things on the back end here. Do you mind sending me a private message with your full name, address and, the phone number you're voicemail is on?