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1 Message
Stolen phone numbers
I bought a restaurant business (like actually aquired the company - not just the equipment) a few months ago. The previous owner went on to open a new restaurant.
I had already switch the account in my name earlier this month.
Somehow he was able to call support and move our two phone numbers to his new restaurant months after we aquired the business AND switched the name from his to ours.
Been calling support for the past 4 days and no one has been able to get my stolen numbers back !!
What to do??
Not only numbers !! When he was able to transfer numbers out (we have good call volume) ... the internet also got disconnect so our point of sale has been down !!
Official Employee
306 Messages
5 years ago
Hi, there! Thank you for spending your time this evening to reach out. I am sorry to learn that the previous owner was able to move your two numbers after you acquired the business. I am also sorry to learn about the internet troubles. You have reached the right place for help. In order to further assist, please click on my handle (Comcast_Gabe) and send a private message with your first/last name, address, and account number or phone number listed on the account so I can help. This can easily be accessed by logging into our business website through this link You will find your account number listed on the my account tab once you get logged in.