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1 Message

Friday, November 2nd, 2018 8:00 AM

Phone splitters a bad idea?

We have three Comcast lines via an Arris phone box. The intent was to use two as voice and the third for both a fax machine and also for our alarm system monitoring. I had it rigged up with the fax and alarm lines into a splitter, which I then plugged into the Telephone 3/4 jack on the Arris box. Have had all kinds of issues with intermittent loss of dial tone and blinking green light on Arris display for line 3/4 and occasionally line 2.


Was it the splitter that somehow created the problem? If so, is there any way to share the line between fax and alarm? Can I use the Telephone 4 jack?

New problem solver


163 Messages

6 years ago

It is possible that the splitter may be contributing to the disruptions. More likely is what you are using the lines for. We do recommend when you are using 2 data connections like an alarm and a fax line that they be on dedicated lines. When a fax comes in it would disrupt the service on the alarm system and vice versa. If you would like I can also look further into the issues. Can you please send a private message with the name, address and phone number on the account?