New Contributor
5 Messages
Be anywhere - differentiate between someone calling my business phone number and my iphone
For Voice Mobility "Be Anywhere": I have no idea whether the call coming in to my iPhone is a personal call or a call from my business. I need to be able to answer with my business name. For personal use, I don't usually answer calls from phone numbers I don't recognize (spam callers). How can I differentiate a business call from a personal call BEFORE I answer?
Official Employee
526 Messages
5 years ago
Thanks so much for taking the time to reach out to us through our Business Forums. I would love to assist with your be anywhere service questions. Can you please reach out through private message with your first and last name, full service address and account number or phone number and we will get started?
New Contributor
5 Messages
4 years ago
I would like to know the answer to this question. What good are the forums if the answers are only provided in private messages?
New Contributor
5 Messages
4 years ago
I STILL want to know the answer to this question. I agree, the answer should be on this forum and not in a private message. Please answer our question.
Official Employee
526 Messages
4 years ago
We pull you into private message to protect the privacy of your account and information. When you as a specific question we need to review the account and provide you information specific to the account and your services. I can provide you general answers here over public that are not account specific, however, I would need to look at the specific programming for your phone lines and the type of lines that you have to provide you with the best and most knowledgable answer to your direct questions. Do you still need assistance with your be anywhere services?
Official Employee
526 Messages
4 years ago
I can provide you a basic answer over our public forums postings. You can find information directly through this link There are multiple levels of phone services that we offer to our business customers that provide our services. and we do need to ensure that we are checking your settings and service levels to provide a more direct answer to your request.
New Contributor
5 Messages
4 years ago
"Be Anywhere" is pretty specific. The service says get phone calls from your business to your phone. You should be able to tell me why I can't see the difference between a business and personal call. False advertising unless you can tell me why. I'm so disappointed.
Problem solver
348 Messages
4 years ago
I understand how this would make you feel and we are truly sorry to see that we have made you feel this way. You can send us a private message with your personal information and we can take a look at your specific services and how everything is set up.
New Contributor
5 Messages
4 years ago
Wow. Comcast is being very evasive on this issue. I have Business Voice Mobility. I was told by a Comcast representative that I would receive business calls on my cell phone.
By not answering our questions about the problem of not knowing whether those transferred calls are from my business line or my personal cell phone, I believe Comcast is misleading their customers and is falsely advertising a business product.
I will send you a personal message, but in fairness to all your Business Voice Mobility customers, you are doing us all a disservice by requiring a personal message.
New Member
3 Messages
4 years ago
Based on the evasive response from Comcast I believe the answer is that there is no way to differentiate between personal calls and business calls. I too have been trying to figure out how to do this. I am a new voip customer and am very disappointed in the app.
New Contributor
5 Messages
4 years ago
The return response from Comcast was NO, there is no way to differentiate a business call from a personal call when forwarding business calls to your cell phone. So all this hype about receiving business calls on your cell phone is phony. You can get business calls but it's just plain forwarding calls. Why this question HAD to be answered in a personal message is beyond me. I feel your pain. I am one UNHAPPY CUSTOMER.
New Member
3 Messages
4 years ago
That is what I thought. Thank you so much for posting the correct answer to our inquiry since Comcast representatives don't want to fess up. Verizon has a quality app for their voip phones you would think that Comcast could do as well. Pretty sad!
Official Employee
526 Messages
4 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us through our business forums. I very much appreciate your patience and greatly apologize for the delay in our response. There actually is a way to differentiate the calls from your business. When setting this feature up as outlined through this link, you want to ensure that you are selecting the option for answer confirmation. When you answer the line a recording will come through that tells you the call is from the business line and asks you to press any key to answer the line. This would help you to differentiate the difference between a business and a personal call. If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to us here at any time. You can also reach out through private message with your first and last name, full service address and account number or phone number and we can assess the account with the specific type of phone service that you have available to break down the feature options in more detail.
Official Employee
526 Messages
4 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us through our business forums. I very much appreciate your patience and greatly apologize for the delay in our response. There actually is a way to differentiate the calls from your business. When setting this feature up as outlined through this link, you want to ensure that you are selecting the option for answer confirmation. When you answer the line a recording will come through that tells you the call is from the business line and asks you to press any key to answer the line. This would help you to differentiate the difference between a business and a personal call. If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to us here at any time. You can also reach out through private message with your first and last name, full service address and account number or phone number and we can assess the account with the specific type of phone service that you have available to break down the feature options in more detail.